2 min readMar 24, 2021

20 (+1) Life lessons for my ‘a little over’ 20 years of existence

1. Do not be too hard on yourself

2. Be grateful (practice gratitude) you have made it through each day so far… How beautiful it is to experience life in the multitudes of colour there is to see? Life is like a lens; where, what and who you ­choose to look and the filter you look through with (perspective, or mindset). Life is not black and white, life is vibrant, colorful with multitudes of depth and all possibilities. The rainbow of opportunities and complexities are endless… Appreciate both and all, we cannot have one without the other.

3. Do your job, and do it well…

4. Work hard, play harder!

5. Laugh! Life’s too short to take too seriously, trust me

6. Be genuine and authentic, keep good intentions and stay true to yourself

7. Do not ask something of someone unless you are willing/prepared to do it yourself

8. Hold yourself to your own standard.

9. Relationships are conditional. Love is unconditional. Practice both, they take skill and energy to receive, give and maintain.

10. Choose wisely what you put your energy and time into

11. Give love, to get love

12. Smile, at each and every person you pass in your day (I mean, why not?)

13. Take care of yourself, do nice things for yourself x

14. Speak kindly to yourself, and others… even the words you cannot hear you will still feel

15. Be gentle, but strong

16. Be fierce, but humble

17. Life is gonna be hard, choose your hard. Hard life settling for what you get; or Hard life setting out for what you want.

18. Have pride in your work, work hard for what you want and embrace what you deserve. Be proud! You are doing great :)

19. Have pride in your self… I’m honestly so proud of you ❤ (now read that over and say it aloud - say it like you mean it)

20. Have pride in your relationships — honour those you love, more on this later…